fwdandy 发表于 2008-5-3 11:03:20


ydq23 发表于 2008-5-11 21:27:36


pfsr 发表于 2008-5-11 21:57:05

回复 82# 的帖子


hhhh8888 发表于 2008-5-12 20:42:11


6.还可以实现其他模块的集成(比如rigid dynamic)

gyz_cloud 发表于 2008-5-19 15:42:30

回复 1# 的帖子

Top 10 Reasons to Use Workbench

While preparing for a recent user group meeting in California, someone who was attending asked if we could present some good reasons for him to use Workbench more. After some thought and discussion, we came up with the follow list of reasons why anlyst uses Workbench, and why we recommend it to our users.

10: Shorter and Shallower Learning Curve
People just seem to learn Workbench faster and are more productive sooner. This is especially true for younger engineers who are new to FE analysis and have a strong background with modern parametric CAD packages such as SolidWorks or Solid Edge.

9: Significant Say in Growth
Workbench is developing and growing every day. For many in the user community, this is the first time that they can participate in guiding the development of a code that, in our opinion, will soon dominate the CAE market. This is everyone’s opportunity to speak up and make an impact.

8: Automatic Report Creation
The process of creating reports for an analysis can sometimes take longer than the analysis. On occaision, schedules are so tight that no report is created at all, or only the results are captured. Both of these issues are addressed with the powerful automatic report generation feature in WB. Using this tool, companies can set up standardized reports, force the capture and retention of key pieces of information, and drastically reduce the amount of time required to make a report.

7: Built-in Process Standardization
When you start up WB, you may have noticed some stuff over on the right side of the screen. This is where wizards live. The product ships with some basic step-by-step guides. Many users see these as tools for helping low-end users do analysis, which they are in fact good for. But you can also create your own very sophisticated wizards that can lock down standard processes and ensure that key steps are carried out.

6: New Stuff is Going into WB
The cold, hard reality is that many of the new pre- and post-processing features that ANSYS, Inc. is creating to meet user requests are going into WB.

Virtual topology
Advanced solid modeling
“Engineering” loads
GAP meshing for field problems
New meshing technology

5: Less “Reinventing the Wheel”
Over the years, ANSYS users have gotten very good at writing macros to automate processes and do some pretty fancy things. Most of us enjoy this and it is a large part of our job satisfaction. But if you look at it honestly, hundreds of users around the world are “reinventing the wheel,” doing the same thing over and over again. With WB many of these common tasks are being built into the code from the ground up. It also includes tools like the Engineering Data tab that allow you to save things like material properties and time-dependent loads and share them with other users through a library.

4: Not a Technology that You Get Stuck In
One of the greatest fears that keeps users from trying Workbench is a concern that if they start a job in WB, they will have to stay in WB until they are done. Thanks to some open-minded planning by ANSYS, Inc. developers, you can jump out of WB at any point after you have meshed and finish up your job in ANSYS. The only downside is that geometry does not go with you, but we have not found that to be a serious drawback. For example, one can specify a group of surfaces as a named component in WB, and thus all associated nodes of the underlying WB mesh are grouped into a component on the ANSYS import for easy reference.

3: Setting Stuff Up Is Faster
Analyst's experience is that it’s just a lot faster to set stuff up in Workbench. There are a lot of reasons for this, but some of the key ones that we have seen are:

Consolidation: many tasks have been combined into one
CAD associativity and parametrics
Object paradigm (you click on something in the tree then operate on it)
Context sensitive menus and icons reduce clutter and “hunting” for commands
Simplified processes
Automatic Contact Detection

2: Robust Meshing
Far and away the most common reason for analyst to use Workbench is to mesh poor geometry. Our single largest productivity hit in doing analyses was dealing with geometry that had gaps or slivers in it. Workbench is much better with this sort of thing, and the robust mesher has grown to have many of the controls that users have asked for, and even more can be added.

1: CAD Associativity
Just edging out “Robust Meshing” is that Workbench models can be associative to CAD models. This can be a huge savings and is really the one thing that Workbench does so much better than any other solution out there. It not only delivers huge savings in time and effort, but also allows you to easily do studies that you would never have considered before.

pfsr 发表于 2008-5-20 00:09:41

回复 85# 的帖子


bugatii 发表于 2008-5-26 21:15:37


sw2004 发表于 2008-5-27 19:33:12


venners 发表于 2008-5-30 09:42:23

本科毕业论文用的ansys classic做摩托车车架分析,由于只做分析部分已经实验部分,建模部分我没有做,是一个研究生师兄做的,所以对ansys classic建模用的不多,但在开始学习的时候也用过它来做过一些简单模型例子,感觉就是非常别扭。相对与PROE,CATIA这些3D软件效率慢多了。
       现在研究生的毕业论文也要开始搞了,也要做分析,所以还是选用ansys,但由于这次要我自己建模了,我是在CATIA中建立的风叶叶片模型,尝试保存为iges格式再导入ansys classic中做分析,可是数据丢失严重,因为风叶叶片的建模使用了比较高级的曲面建模,所以导入ANSYS中丢失很多数据,导致不能使用。
      正是在这个困惑的时期,我才发现WB这个适合我用的东西,所以现在开始慢慢的摸索WB的用法,总的来说,WB容易上手,如果有ANSYS CLASSIC基础的朋友更加是觉得非常简单。
      但我想在这里顺便问一个问题,因为我用的是WB11,而我手头上的教程的WB10,我发现在WB10中的frequency finder和shape finder在WB11中找不到,非常郁闷,希望知道的人给我解答一下!谢谢

姜虎东 发表于 2008-5-30 10:04:35

学WB也有一段时间了,说下自己的感受。因为学过一点ANSYS CLASSIC,感觉如果要学好WB,有一定的ANSYS CLASSIC基础还是比较有帮助的。特别是对于WB的理解方面。但是要学好WB也不象想象中的那样简单,而且目前资料也少的可怜,专门的中文书本更是没有。只能看英文的学习,对于英语基础不好的人来说的确比较吃力。看了信息资源版的一个CAE工程师待遇帖,如果真的如此惨淡的话还有几个人愿意来学有限元。

xwpmnoir 发表于 2008-6-10 09:37:09


za901 发表于 2008-6-19 15:07:09


pfsr 发表于 2008-6-19 15:50:51

回复 92# 的帖子


lqx403 发表于 2008-6-19 20:17:07


0000zxj 发表于 2008-6-23 21:22:06

回复 20# 的帖子


penciltip 发表于 2008-7-4 06:28:30





木头人 发表于 2008-7-20 16:50:06


bugdo 发表于 2008-7-21 20:47:13


tyzjt 发表于 2008-7-25 08:45:59

1 建模功能特别强大,和几种三维软件(UGPRO-ESOLIDworks)的功能不相上下。
2 与这些软件(UGPRO-ESOLIDworks)的接口非常好,修改模型也特别方便。
3 划分网格非常方便,尤其是六面体,很容易划分的非常好。
4 接触设置很方便,比经典ANSYS容易多了,这点我深有感触。

athosanian 发表于 2008-7-28 12:41:16

the ansys corp. has many produts such as designmodels( maybe some spelling error) for modeling and ICEM(maybe spelling error) for mesh etc. the ansys workbench is going to input all products of ansys into one system for convenience use.
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