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[书籍资料] Translation of the NKS [PAUSED]

发表于 2008-8-14 11:46:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 山西太原





Page ix


Just over twenty years ago I made what at first seemed like a small discovery: a computer experiment of mine showed something I did not expect. But the more I investigated, the more I realized that what I had seen was the beginning of a crack in the very foundations of existing science, and a first clue towards a whole new kind of science.


This book is the culmination of nearly twenty years of work that I have done to develop that new kind of science. I had never expected it would take anything like as long, but I have discovered vastly more than I ever thought possible,and in fact what I have done now touches almost every existing area of science, and quite a bit besides.

In the early years, I did as I had done before as a scientist, and published accounts of my ongoing work in the scientific literature. But although what I wrote seemed to be very well received, I gradually came to realize that technical papers scattered across the journals of all sorts of fields could never successfully communicate the kind of major new intellectual structure that I seemed to be beginning to build.

So I resolved just to keep working quietly until I had finished, and was ready to present everything in a single coherent way. Fifteen years later this book is the result. And with it my hope is to share what I have done with as wide a range of scientists and non-scientists as possible.

In modern times it has been almost unheard of for genuinely new science to be presented for the first time in a book that can be read by non-scientists. For progress in science has mostly tended to take place in small steps that cannot reasonably be explained without relying on specialized technical knowledge of what has gone before.

[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-21 14:32 编辑 ]




发表于 2008-8-14 14:42:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-14 16:30:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原

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发表于 2008-8-14 16:46:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-14 19:02:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
Page x   http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-x-text

But to develop the new kind of science that I describe in this book Ihave had no choice but to take several large steps at once, and indoing so I have mostly ended up having to start from scratch--with newideas and new methods that ultimately depend very little on what hasgone before.

In some ways it might have been easier for me to present what I have done in some kind of new technical formalism. But instead I have chosen to spend the effort to take things to the point where they are clear enough to be explained quite fully just in ordinary language and pictures.

Unfortunately, however, this will no doubt mean that there are some--particularly from the existing sciences--who will at first assume that their existing technical knowledge must somehow already cover whatever is in this book. And a few, I fear, will stop at that point, and choose to learn no more. But many, I hope, will at least look at the book long enough to begin to be surprised by what it actually says.

At first probably they will think that parts of it cannot possibly be correct--for they seem so at odds with existing science. And indeed if I myself were just to pick up this book today without having spent the past twenty years thinking about its contents, I have little doubt that I too would not believe many of the things it says.

But the computer experiments on which the science in the book is ultimately based are easy to check on any modern computer. And almost all the arguments in the book--while often not conceptually simple--require no specialized scientific or other knowledge to follow.

Yet it has certainly taken me years to come to terms with the conclusions I have reached. And while I hope that all the effort I have put into presentation in this book will make it easier for others, I do not expect it to be a quick process. For to absorb in any real way what the book has to say requires a fairly major shift in intuition and thinking.

But the most important first step, I believe, is just to recognize what is involved. For though there are connections of all sorts, this book is first and foremost about a fundamentally new intellectual structure, that needs to be understood in its own terms, and cannot reasonably be fit into any existing framework.

[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-14 23:37 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-14 19:39:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
Page xi       http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-xi-text

It has been a great challenge for me to capture the things I have discovered over the past twenty years in a book of manageable size. And to do so I have often ended up compressing into a page or even a paragraph the essence of what a chapter or even a book could have been written about.


In the quarter million or so words of the main text my emphasis is on communicating the core of my ideas and discoveries--as well as indicating a little of how I came to them. The last three hundred or so pages of the book--themselves another quarter million or so words--supplement the main text with many historical and technical notes, and also summarize more discoveries. The notes that begin on page 849 address some specific issues about reading this book.

Throughout the book my primary concern is with basic science and fundamental issues. But building on the foundations in the book there are a vast array of applications--both conceptual and practical--that can now be developed.

No doubt some will come quickly. But most will probably take decades to emerge. Yet in time I expect that the ideas of this book will come to pervade not only science and technology but also many areas of general thinking. And with this its methods will eventually become a standard part of education--much as mathematics is today. And in the end most of what now seems surprising and remarkable in the book will come to seem familiar and commonplace.

Butfor me what has always been most important is the actual process ofdiscovery. For I know of nothing as profoundly exciting as to glimpsefor the first time some new and basic truth. And now that I havefinished building the intellectual structure that I describe in thisbook it is my hope that those who read these words can share in theexcitement I have had in making the discoveries that were involved.
但是对于我来说,最重要的东西始终是实实在在的探索过程,因为当我第一次瞥见到一些新的基础的真理时我深深地感受到了前所未有的兴奋。如今我已经完成了书中所讲述的理论结构的建构工作,剩下的就是希望读到这些文字的人能享受我在创造这个新发现的过程中所得到的快乐。[from Wayne]

Stephen Wolfram
January 15, 2002

[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-14 23:47 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-14 19:44:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
It's a pleasure to read < red >.

Opp...Actually I am reading Sharkspear's work.
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发表于 2008-8-14 19:51:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
The style is professional. Thanks bainhome.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-14 21:14:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原


Page xii          http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-xii-text

The creation of this book and the science it describes has been a vast personal undertaking, spanning the better part of half my life so far. And for it to all have been even remotely possible has required a series of particular personal circumstances.Foremost among them is that I have lived at the moment in history when technology has first made it possible to do the kinds of things I have done. But also crucial has been that my early successes in science and business have for more than twenty years allowed me to be free to pursue the personal intellectual objectives I have chosen.


That by my late teenage years I had already become established in science was what originally provided the personal confidence and practical situation that made it possible for me to embark on an intellectual project as ambitious as this. My early experiences--particularly in physics and computing--were crucial in pointing me in the basic direction I took. My work in designing and documenting Mathematica and its forerunners was central in developing for me a certain definite pattern of clear thinking. My experiences in business were also important in helping me form a capacity for making strategic intellectual decisions. And the fact that for most of my life I have tried to learn as broadly and deeply as possible about science and other fields has provided me a crucial base of knowledge. But more than anything else what has finally allowed me to create the new kind of science in this book is Mathematica. For while building Mathematica has taken a considerable amount of my time, I would without it as a tool never have been able to do the vast majority of what is now in this book.
In my early years I was very much a part of the traditional scientific community. But had I remained there I have little doubt that I would never have been able to create something of the magnitude that I describe in this book. For even just to spend so many years on a single project outside of existing disciplines--and without publishing anything about it--would likely have become impossible even in the highly favorable academic circumstances in which I found myself.

But with the commercial success of Mathematica and Wolfram Research there have for many years not been any such issues for me. And indeed, within my company I have been able to build up a remarkable group of people--who have supported my efforts in all sorts of ways. Over the past fifteen years hundreds of members of our R&D and engineering groups have worked to take my ideas for Mathematica and turn them into finished software that I and millions of others rely on every day. And at one time or another almost every major department of my company has provided help that has been crucial to some aspect of the creation or production of this book.
但是伴随着伴随着Wolfram Research和Mathematica在商业上的成功,我已经有很多年没有涉足学术领域了。并且事实上,在我的公司里我能够建立起一个杰出的小组——他们在各个方面支持者我。在接下来的十五年里,我们研发和工程小组的几百个成员怀着我在Mathematica上的想法工作,并且完成了这个我和几百万人每天都需要的软件。有一段时间几乎公司所有的部门都提供了创作并出版这本书所必要的帮助。

Yet what is probably most striking is that even in my role as CEO of a highly active company I have for more than ten years been able to devote the large amounts of time that have been required to write this book and develop the science it describes. And more than anything else,what has made this possible is the outstanding team that has helped manage the ongoing operations of the company--especially our current executive committee: George Beck, Roger Germundsson,Theodore Gray, Becky Porth, Brenda Skelly, Tom Wickham-Jones and my brother Conrad Wolfram.
然而,对我来说最感动的就是,尽管我在这样一个高度活跃的公司身居CEO之要职,我还能十年如一日地将我大部分精力投入到写这本书和对这本书所述科学的拓展中。并且比一切更重要的是,一个杰出的团队维持着公司的运作而使这成为可能——尤其是公司目前的执行委员会:George Beck, Roger Germundsson,Theodore Gray, Becky Porth, Brenda Skelly, Tom Wickham-Jones and my brother Conrad Wolfram.

To pursue a project of the length and intensity of this book would not have been possible without the great personal support of my family and friends.Particularly crucial have been my wife--who has contributed both directly and indirectly to many aspects of the form and content of this book, and my children--whose excitement about the world has provided continual encouragement and stimulation. Also important--especially in my youth--were my parents, who supported my early interests and direction.

Like almost any highly creative project, the writing of this book has ultimately been a quite solitary and personal matter. But I have been fortunate over the years to employ a variety of talented assistants,who have helped the project in many different ways: Eric Berg (project management, 2000-2001), Jason Cawley (historical and philosophical issues, 2001-2002 and before), Matthew Cook (technical content,particularly constructions and proofs, 1991-1998), Andrew de Laix(technical content and book production systems, 1998-2002), Matthew Frank (mathematical and historical issues, 2001-2002), Andrea Gerlach(fact finding and checking, 1999-2002), David Hillman (constructions and other technical content, 1997-2001), Scott Koranda (book production systems and project management, 1996-1998), Ed Pegg, Jr. (technical content, 2000-2002), Todd Rowland (mathematical issues, 2001-2002),Malgorzata Strzebonska (graphics finishing, 1997-2002), Matthew Szudzik(mathematical issues, 1998-2000, 2001), &#216;yvind Tafjord (physics and other technical issues, 2001-2002), Kelli Wendt (project management,2001-2002), Erik Winfree (software development, 1991-1992). Othe rmembers of Wolfram Research and Wolfram Media who have made particularly significant contributions include: Larry Adelston (book layout, 2000-2002), George Beck (project management oversight,2001-2002 and before), John Bonadies (cover design and other issues,1995, 1991-1999), Cat Boucher (project management, 2001-2002), JeanBuck (library research 1991-1999; many internal and external issues1999-2002), Jeremy Davis (design, 2000-2002), Deb Forgacs (library research, 2000-2002), Thomasanna Hail (project management assistance,2001), Yu He (technical issues, 1991-1992), Andy Hunt (font design,1997-2002), Janice Hunter (book distribution, 2000-2002), André Kuzniarek (book design and production, 1991-2002), Richard Miske (book layout, 2001-2002), Jan Progen (proofreading, 1997-2002), David Reiss(external communications, 2001-2002), Patrick Rice (book build automation, 2001-2002), Brenda Skelly (manufacturing management,2001-2002 and before), Caroline Small (document quality assurance,2001), Michael Trott (occasional technical issues, 1994-2002), Allan Wylde (publishing issues, 1998-1999). (See also the colophon at the very end of the book.) My administrative and computer system sassistants have also been crucial in allowing me to maintain the high level of personal productivity needed to pursue and complete this project.
像所有高度创新的工作一样,这本书的写作是一个独立性很强且很私人的事情。但是我在这些年却非常幸运地聘用了很多有才华的助手,他们在各个方面为这个工程做出了贡献: Eric Berg (项目管理, 2000-2001),Jason Cawley (历史和哲学方面内容, 2001-2002 及更早), Matthew Cook (技术性内容,尤其是构建及证明方面, 1991-1998), Andrew de Laix(技术性内容及图书的出版系统, 1998-2002), Matthew Frank (数学及历史内容, 2001-2002), Andrea Gerlach(事实考证及校对, 1999-2002), David Hillman (构建和其他技术性内容, 1997-2001), Scott Koranda (图书出版系统及项目管理, 1996-1998), Ed Pegg, Jr. (技术内容, 2000-2002),Todd Rowland (数学方面的内容, 2001-2002),Malgorzata Strzebonska(图片加工, 1997-2002), Matthew Szudzik(数学内容,1998-2000, 2001), &#216;yvind Tafjord (物理学和其他技术性内容,2001-2002), Kelli Wendt (项目管理,2001-2002), Erik Winfree(软件开发, 1991-1992).  其他作出杰出贡献的Wolfram Research和Wolfram Media的成员包括:Larry Adelston (图书排版, 2000-2002), George Beck (项目总监,2001-2002 and before), John Bonadies (封面设计及其他内容,1995, 1991-1999), Cat Boucher (项目管理,2001-2002), Jean Buck (图书调研 1991-1999; 很多其他内部及外围事务 1999-2002), Jeremy Davis (设计, 2000-2002), DebForgacs (图书调研, 2000-2002), Thomasanna Hail (项目管理助理,2001), Yu He (技术性内容, 1991-1992), AndyHunt (字体设计,1997-2002), Janice Hunter (销售渠道,2000-2002), André Kuzniarek (图书设计及出品, 1991-2002),Richard Miske (图书排版, 2001-2002), Jan Progen (校对,1997-2002), David Reiss(外围传媒, 2001-2002), PatrickRice (图书出品自动化, 2001-2002), Brenda Skelly (制造监理,2001-2002 and before), Caroline Small (文档质量担保人,2001), Michael Trott (偶然的技术性内容,1994-2002), Allan Wylde (出版事务, 1998-1999). (请参阅正文每章末的详注)

In developing the new kind of science in this book I have benefitted in many ways from the worldwide intellectual community. I have always worked hard to learn as many fields as possible as deeply as I can--and to keep abreast of new developments that emerge. Part of what has allowed me to do this is reading an immense number of books, articles and websites. But over the years what has also been important is that I have interacted personally with a great many individuals, and I have been fortunate that my position in science and technology has brought me into contact at one time or another with the leaders of almost every major technical field.

In the early and mid-1980s I did collaborative work relevant to this book--some published, some unpublished--withseveral people: Richard Feynman (foundations of physics and computing),Olivier Martin (additive cellular automata), John Milnor (mathematics of cellular automata), Andrew Odlyzko (additivecellular automata), Norman Packard (2D cellular automata) and Jim Salem(cellular automaton fluids).
在八十年代早期和中期,我参与了和这本书中相关内容的工作,其中一些出版了而另一些没出版。我的合作者是 Richard Feynman (基础物理学和计算),Olivier Martin (可加的元胞自动机), John Milnor(元胞自动机的数学理论), Andrew Odlyzko (可加的元宝自动机), Norman Packard (二维元胞自动机) and Jim Salem(元胞自动机流体).

[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-18 19:46 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-14 21:57:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀
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发表于 2008-8-14 22:03:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀
Just over twenty years ago I made what at first seemed like a small discovery: a computer experiment of mine showed something I did not expect. But the more I investigated, the more I realized that what I had seen was the beginning of a crack in the very foundations of existing science, and a first clue towards a whole new kind of science.

This book is the culmination of nearly twenty years of work that I have done to develop that new kind of science. I had never expected it would take anything like as long, but I have discovered vastly more than I ever thought possible, and in fact what I have done now touches almost every existing area of science, and quite a bit besides.

In the early years, I did as I had done before as a scientist, and published accounts of my ongoing work in the scientific literature. But although what I wrote seemed to be very well received, I gradually came to realize that technical papers scattered across the journals of all sorts of fields could never successfully communicate the kind of major new intellectual structure that I seemed to be beginning to build.

So I resolved just to keep working quietly until I had finished, and was ready to present everything in a single coherent way. Fifteen years later this book is the result. And with it my hope is to share what I have done with as wide a range of scientists and non-scientists as possible.

In modern times it has been almost unheard of for genuinely new science to be presented for the first time in a book that can be read by non-scientists. For progress in science has mostly tended to take place in small steps that cannot reasonably be explained without relying on specialized technical knowledge of what has gone before.

But to develop the new kind of science that I describe in this book I have had no choice but to take several large steps at once, and in doing so I have mostly ended up having to start from scratch--with new ideas and new methods that ultimately depend very little on what has gone before.

In some ways it might have been easier for me to present what I have done in some kind of new technical formalism. But instead I have chosen to spend the effort to take things to the point where they are clear enough to be explained quite fully just in ordinary language and pictures.

Unfortunately, however, this will no doubt mean that there are some--particularly from the existing sciences--who will at first assume that their existing technical knowledge must somehow already cover whatever is in this book. And a few, I fear, will stop at that point, and choose to learn no more. But many, I hope, will at least look at the book long enough to begin to be surprised by what it actually says.

At first probably they will think that parts of it cannot possibly be correct--for they seem so at odds with existing science. And indeed if I myself were just to pick up this book today without having spent the past twenty years thinking about its contents, I have little doubt that I too would not believe many of the things it says.

But the computer experiments on which the science in the book is ultimately based are easy to check on any modern computer. And almost all the arguments in the book--while often not conceptually simple--require no specialized scientific or other knowledge to follow.

Yet it has certainly taken me years to come to terms with the conclusions I have reached. And while I hope that all the effort I have put into presentation in this book will make it easier for others, I do not expect it to be a quick process. For to absorb in any real way what the book has to say requires a fairly major shift in intuition and thinking.

But the most important first step, I believe, is just to recognize what is involved. For though there are connections of all sorts, this book is first and foremost about a fundamentally new intellectual structure, that needs to be understood in its own terms, and cannot reasonably be fit into any existing framework.

It has been a great challenge for me to capture the things I have discovered over the past twenty years in a book of manageable size. And to do so I have often ended up compressing into a page or even a paragraph the essence of what a chapter or even a book could have been written about.

In the quarter million or so words of the main text my emphasis is on communicating the core of my ideas and discoveries--as well as indicating a little of how I came to them. The last three hundred or so pages of the book--themselves another quarter million or so words--supplement the main text with many historical and technical notes, and also summarize more discoveries. The notes that begin on page 849 address some specific issues about reading this book.

Throughout the book my primary concern is with basic science and fundamental issues. But building on the foundations in the book there are a vast array of applications--both conceptual and practical--that can now be developed.

No doubt some will come quickly. But most will probably take decades to emerge. Yet in time I expect that the ideas of this book will come to pervade not only science and technology but also many areas of general thinking. And with this its methods will eventually become a standard part of education--much as mathematics is today. And in the end most of what now seems surprising and remarkable in the book will come to seem familiar and commonplace.

But for me what has always been most important is the actual process of discovery. For I know of nothing as profoundly exciting as to glimpse for the first time some new and basic truth. And now that I have finished building the intellectual structure that I describe in this book it is my hope that those who read these words can share in the excitement I have had in making the discoveries that were involved.
                                                                                                      stephen wolfram


[ 本帖最后由 waynebuaa 于 2008-8-14 22:10 编辑 ]




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发表于 2008-8-14 22:08:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀

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发表于 2008-8-14 22:10:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐


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发表于 2008-8-14 22:14:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀
brainhome ,可不可以把你的tex模板发给我?我最近也在学习排版技巧,:victory:
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发表于 2008-8-14 22:18:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐


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发表于 2008-8-14 22:24:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀
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发表于 2008-8-14 22:41:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀
貌似只能用pdflatex 才能成功通过编译
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发表于 2008-8-14 22:49:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐
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发表于 2008-8-14 23:02:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀

英汉对照每一段都重复使用 \begin{minipage} ,\end{minipage}的,感觉有点繁琐,我总感觉有更好的方法,比如宏命令什么的
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