楼主: marveloustau

[书籍资料] Translation of the NKS [PAUSED]

发表于 2008-8-14 23:22:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀

Copyright © 2002 by Stephen Wolfram, LLC

All rights reserved. Except as provided below, no part of this book, whether in physical, electronic or other form, may be copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, publicly performed or displayed without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. Nor may derivative works such as translations be produced. Visit www.wolframscience.com/nks/permissions for further information.
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发表于 2008-8-14 23:26:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐
这就是tex的好处——全部DIY,你随便变,它跟着变。编译一下,所有的公式、图表索引相应变化,要不然干嘛用latex! 你就放心翻、放心改,一切包在latex上了,再说,现在不是我的活儿了:lol
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发表于 2008-8-14 23:38:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀

另外,我们还没有把NKS版权的问题弄清楚。我记得卡耐基梅隆大学Randy Pausch教授“最后一课”的视频已经在很多网站上公开了,李开复很想把视频的字幕翻译成中文,让更多的中国人了解“最后一课”,也没有私自翻译,而是跟Randy发了好几个来回的邮件,才开始翻译。
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-14 23:52:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
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发表于 2008-8-14 23:54:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐
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发表于 2008-8-15 00:01:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-15 00:11:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
认真读过,我觉得交涉会比较困难。我们不属于学术机构,如果说我们以这个论坛的身份和Wolfram交涉,那么论坛如果造成了内容的外泄也可能会面临Wolfram的起诉。所以我的想法是这样,我们不保留任何著作权,但是注明“仅限内部交流和学习之用”,这样谁传播出去谁负责,译者就写"MarvelousTau & WayneBUAA"[我已经按照Wayne的译文把我的改过了]不要写"SimWe",或者干脆就写“一小撮别有用心的人”:lol

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发表于 2008-8-15 10:02:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀

brainhome ,这本书的名字叫 NKS ,一种新科学,而不是NKS online 。
不过那些出自existing science的行家看来,NKS是“fake science” .

[ 本帖最后由 waynebuaa 于 2008-8-15 10:09 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-15 10:25:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-15 13:50:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
Page xiii           http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-xiii-text

Over thecourse of the past twenty years I have learned many things relevant tothis book from many people. Sometimes I have asked specific questionsand got specific answers. Sometimes discussions separated by months oryears have gradually made me come to understand something. Sometimesjust a single discussion has caused me to learn an important fact orpiece of history--or has clarified limitations of someparticular field. And sometimes a question asked of me has led me todiscover something or to see how to present something better. In all Irecall nearly three hundred people who have helped me in these kinds ofways in the past twenty years (this does not include people--especially from the physics community--with whom my main interactions were before 1981, or those with whom my interactions have mostly been about Mathematicaor the business of Wolfram Research):Ralph Abraham, Victor Adamchik,Ron Adrian, Guenther Ahlers, Berni Alder, Jan Ambj&#246;rn, John Baez, JimBailey, Igor Bakshee, Mary Barsony, Andrej Bauer, George Beck, CharlesBennett, Michael Berry, Philippe Binder, Lenore Blum, Manuel Blum,Bruce Boghosian, Enrico Bombieri, Phil Boyland, William Bricken, BrunoBuchberger, Art Burks, David Campbell, John Campbell, Chris Carlson,Pete Carruthers, Forrest Carter, Elise Cawley, Greg Chaitin, SteveChristensen, David Chudnovsky, Gregory Chudnovsky, John Conway, BarbaraCooper, Jack Cowan, Richard Crandall, Jim Crutchfield, Karel Culik,Predrag Cvitanovi&#269;, Gautam Dasgupta, Roger Dashen, Martin Davis,Richard Dawkins, David Deutsch, Kee Dewdney, Persi Diaconis, WhitfieldDiffie, Freeman Dyson, Paul Erd&#337;s, Benson Farb, Doyne Farmer, MitchellFeigenbaum, Carl Feynman, Richard Feynman, David Finkelstein, MichaelFisher, Mike Foale, Joseph Ford, John Franks, Ed Fredkin, HarveyFriedman, Uriel Frisch, Peter Gacs, Jill Gardner, Laurie Gay, ToddGayley, Richard Gaylord, Murray Gell-Mann, Roger Germundsson, EtienneGhys, Don Glaser, Nigel Goldenfeld, Shafi Goldwasser, Beatrice Golomb,Solomon Golomb, Bill Gosper, Peter Grassberger, Alfred Gray, JeremyGray, John Gray, Theodore Gray, David Griffeath, Misha Gromov, DavidGross, John Guckenheimer, Charlie Gunn, Howard Gutowitz, Hyman Hartman,Jeff Harvey, Brosl Hasslacher, David Hawkins, Gustav Hedlund, DannyHillis, Pierre Hohenberg, John Holland, John Hopfield, BernardoHuberman, Alfred Hübler, Dominique d'Humières, Lyman Hurd, Ken Iverson,Raymond Jeanloz, Erica Jen, Leo Kadanoff, Dave Kammeyer, Kuni Kaneko,Stuart Kauffman, Karen Kavanagh, Jerry Keiper, Evelyn Fox Keller,Veikko Ker&#228;nen, Scott Kirkpatrick, Sergiu Klainerman, Rob Knapp, DonKnuth, Rocky Kolb, John Koza, Bob Kraichnan, Yoshi Kuramoto, JeffLagarias, Rolf Landauer, Jim Langer, Chris Langton, Joel Lebowitz,David Levermore, Leonid Levin, Silvio Levy, Steven Levy, Debra Lewis,Wentian Li, Albert Libchaber, David Librik, Dan Lichtblau, Doug Lind,Aristid Lindenmayer, Kristian Lindgren, Chris Lindsey, Ed Lorenz,Saunders Mac Lane, Roman M&#228;der, Janice Malouf, Benoit Mandelbrot,Norman Margolus, Oleg Marichev, Olivier Martin, Yuri Matiyasevich, JohnMaynard Smith, Curt McMullen, Hans Meinhardt, Michel Mendès France,Nick Metropolis, John Miller, John Milnor, Marvin Minsky, Don Mitchell,Kim Molvig, John Moussouris, Walter Munk, Jim Murray, Lee Neuwirth,Alan Newell, Mats Nordahl, John Novak, Andrew Odlyzko, Steve Orszag,George Oster, Peter Overmann, Norman Packard, Heinz Pagels, LeonardParker, Roger Payne, Holly Peck, Hans-Otto Peitgen, Roger Penrose, AlanPerelson, Malcolm Perry, Charlie Peskin, David Pines, Simon Plouffe,Yves Pomeau, Bjorn Poonen, Marian Pour-El, Kendall Preston, LutzPriese, Ilya Prigogine, Itamar Procaccia, Charles Radin, Tom Ray, JimReeds, John Reif, David Reiss, Stanley Reiter, Ken Ribet, JaneRichardson, Ron Rivest, Igor Rivin, Terry Robb, Julia Robinson, RaphaelRobinson, Robert Rosen, Gian-Carlo Rota, Lee Rubel, Rudy Rucker, DavidRuelle, Jim Salem, Len Sander, Dana Scott, Terry Sejnowski, Rob Shaw,Tim Shaw, Steve Shenker, Bev Sher, Tsutomu Shimomura, Peter Shor, BrianSilverman, Karl Sims, Steven Skiena, Steve Smale, Caroline Small, AlvyRay Smith, Bruce Smith, Lee Smolin, Mark Sofroniou, Gene Stanley, KenSteiglitz, Dan Stein, Paul Steinhardt, Adam Strzebonski, Pat Suppes,Gerry Sussman, Klaus Sutner, Noel Swerdlow, Harry Swinney, Bart Taub,David Terr, René Thom, Bill Thurston, Tom Toffoli, Alar Toomre, RussellTowle, Amos Tversky, Stan Ulam, Leslie Valiant, Léon van Hove, IlanVardi, Hal Varian, Geerat Vermeij, Gerard Vichniac, Stan Wagon, BobWainwright, Bruce Walker, Denis Weaire, Eric Weisstein, Paul Wellin,Caroline Wickham-Jones, Tom Wickham-Jones, Amie Wilkinson, StephenWillson, Jack Wisdom, Rob Wolff, Alexander Wolfram, Conrad Wolfram,Sybil Wolfram, Lewis Wolpert, Michael Woodford, Larry Wos, Larry Yaffe,Victor Yakhot, Jim Yorke, John Zerolis, Richard Zippel, George Zweig,Helio Zwi. In addition to those with whom I have had direct contact,other individuals have provided input indirectly through my assistantsor others (excluding photograph sources listed in the colophon): BillBeyer, Sheila Blair, Victor Dan, Brent Daniel, Noam Elkies, PeterFalloon, Erich Friedman, Jochen Gerber, Branko Grünbaum, Richard Guy,Michel Janssen, Martin Kraus, Temur Kutsia, Richard Langley, BerndL&#246;chner, Crista Malick, Brendan McKay, Thomas Scanlon, Rob Scharein,Marjorie Senechal, Marc Sher, David Singmaster, Neil Sloane, Milton VanDyke, Bob Veroff, Curtis Wilson, Mirek Wójtowicz. Librarians at manyinstitutions--especially the University of Illinois--haveoften helped my assistants in locating materials. Many individuals atWolfram Research have also contributed their collective breadth ofknowledge on diverse smaller questions.
当然在过去的二十年里我从很多人那里学到了和本书内容相关的东西。有时我也提出一些很具体的问题同时获得很具体的答案。有时几个月或几年一次的讨论使我弄明白一些事情。有时候只是一个讨论就能使我学到一些很重要的事实或者一段历史——或者是其他特殊领域已经宣告的局限性。并且,有时候我所提出的一个问题使得我去揭示一些东西或者思考如何把某些东西表达的更好。根据我所能回想起来的,总共有将近三百人在过去的二十年里以不同的方式帮助过我(这还不包括我在1981年以前所接触的人们——他们主要来自物理学界,以及因Mathematica和WolframResearch的商业运作所接触到的人们),他们是:Ralph Abraham, Victor Adamchik,Ron Adrian, Guenther Ahlers, Berni Alder, Jan Ambj&#246;rn, John Baez, JimBailey, Igor Bakshee, Mary Barsony, Andrej Bauer, George Beck, CharlesBennett, Michael Berry, Philippe Binder, Lenore Blum, Manuel Blum,Bruce Boghosian, Enrico Bombieri, Phil Boyland, William Bricken, BrunoBuchberger, Art Burks, David Campbell, John Campbell, Chris Carlson,Pete Carruthers, Forrest Carter, Elise Cawley, Greg Chaitin, SteveChristensen, David Chudnovsky, Gregory Chudnovsky, John Conway, BarbaraCooper, Jack Cowan, Richard Crandall, Jim Crutchfield, Karel Culik,Predrag Cvitanovi&#269;, Gautam Dasgupta, Roger Dashen, Martin Davis,Richard Dawkins, David Deutsch, Kee Dewdney, Persi Diaconis, WhitfieldDiffie, Freeman Dyson, Paul Erd&#337;s, Benson Farb, Doyne Farmer, MitchellFeigenbaum, Carl Feynman, Richard Feynman, David Finkelstein, MichaelFisher, Mike Foale, Joseph Ford, John Franks, Ed Fredkin, HarveyFriedman, Uriel Frisch, Peter Gacs, Jill Gardner, Laurie Gay, ToddGayley, Richard Gaylord, Murray Gell-Mann, Roger Germundsson, EtienneGhys, Don Glaser, Nigel Goldenfeld, Shafi Goldwasser, Beatrice Golomb,Solomon Golomb, Bill Gosper, Peter Grassberger, Alfred Gray, JeremyGray, John Gray, Theodore Gray, David Griffeath, Misha Gromov, DavidGross, John Guckenheimer, Charlie Gunn, Howard Gutowitz, Hyman Hartman,Jeff Harvey, Brosl Hasslacher, David Hawkins, Gustav Hedlund, DannyHillis, Pierre Hohenberg, John Holland, John Hopfield, BernardoHuberman, Alfred Hübler, Dominique d'Humières, Lyman Hurd, Ken Iverson,Raymond Jeanloz, Erica Jen, Leo Kadanoff, Dave Kammeyer, Kuni Kaneko,Stuart Kauffman, Karen Kavanagh, Jerry Keiper, Evelyn Fox Keller,Veikko Ker&#228;nen, Scott Kirkpatrick, Sergiu Klainerman, Rob Knapp, DonKnuth, Rocky Kolb, John Koza, Bob Kraichnan, Yoshi Kuramoto, JeffLagarias, Rolf Landauer, Jim Langer, Chris Langton, Joel Lebowitz,David Levermore, Leonid Levin, Silvio Levy, Steven Levy, Debra Lewis,Wentian Li, Albert Libchaber, David Librik, Dan Lichtblau, Doug Lind,Aristid Lindenmayer, Kristian Lindgren, Chris Lindsey, Ed Lorenz,Saunders Mac Lane, Roman M&#228;der, Janice Malouf, Benoit Mandelbrot,Norman Margolus, Oleg Marichev, Olivier Martin, Yuri Matiyasevich, JohnMaynard Smith, Curt McMullen, Hans Meinhardt, Michel Mendès France,Nick Metropolis, John Miller, John Milnor, Marvin Minsky, Don Mitchell,Kim Molvig, John Moussouris, Walter Munk, Jim Murray, Lee Neuwirth,Alan Newell, Mats Nordahl, John Novak, Andrew Odlyzko, Steve Orszag,George Oster, Peter Overmann, Norman Packard, Heinz Pagels, LeonardParker, Roger Payne, Holly Peck, Hans-Otto Peitgen, Roger Penrose, AlanPerelson, Malcolm Perry, Charlie Peskin, David Pines, Simon Plouffe,Yves Pomeau, Bjorn Poonen, Marian Pour-El, Kendall Preston, LutzPriese, Ilya Prigogine, Itamar Procaccia, Charles Radin, Tom Ray, JimReeds, John Reif, David Reiss, Stanley Reiter, Ken Ribet, JaneRichardson, Ron Rivest, Igor Rivin, Terry Robb, Julia Robinson, RaphaelRobinson, Robert Rosen, Gian-Carlo Rota, Lee Rubel, Rudy Rucker, DavidRuelle, Jim Salem, Len Sander, Dana Scott, Terry Sejnowski, Rob Shaw,Tim Shaw, Steve Shenker, Bev Sher, Tsutomu Shimomura, Peter Shor, BrianSilverman, Karl Sims, Steven Skiena, Steve Smale, Caroline Small, AlvyRay Smith, Bruce Smith, Lee Smolin, Mark Sofroniou, Gene Stanley, KenSteiglitz, Dan Stein, Paul Steinhardt, Adam Strzebonski, Pat Suppes,Gerry Sussman, Klaus Sutner, Noel Swerdlow, Harry Swinney, Bart Taub,David Terr, René Thom, Bill Thurston, Tom Toffoli, Alar Toomre, RussellTowle, Amos Tversky, Stan Ulam, Leslie Valiant, Léon van Hove, IlanVardi, Hal Varian, Geerat Vermeij, Gerard Vichniac, Stan Wagon, BobWainwright, Bruce Walker, Denis Weaire, Eric Weisstein, Paul Wellin,Caroline Wickham-Jones, Tom Wickham-Jones, Amie Wilkinson, StephenWillson, Jack Wisdom, Rob Wolff, Alexander Wolfram, Conrad Wolfram,Sybil Wolfram, Lewis Wolpert, Michael Woodford, Larry Wos, Larry Yaffe,Victor Yakhot, Jim Yorke, John Zerolis, Richard Zippel, George Zweig,Helio Zwi. 另外,那些我直接联系过的,以及其他通过我的助手提供间接输入的(除了尾注照片来源列表之外): BillBeyer, Sheila Blair, Victor Dan, Brent Daniel, Noam Elkies, PeterFalloon, Erich Friedman, Jochen Gerber, Branko Grünbaum, Richard Guy,Michel Janssen, Martin Kraus, Temur Kutsia, Richard Langley, BerndL&#246;chner, Crista Malick, Brendan McKay, Thomas Scanlon, Rob Scharein,Marjorie Senechal, Marc Sher, David Singmaster, Neil Sloane, Milton VanDyke, Bob Veroff, Curtis Wilson, Mirek Wójtowicz.很多院校的图书馆管理员——尤其是伊利诺伊大学的,经常帮助我的助手寻找材料。很多Wolfram Research的个人们也通过在用他们在细节问题上广博的知识做出了贡献。

Ibegan serious development of ideas that eventually led to this book in1981, and until 1988 I continued to be a member of various academicinstitutions: California Institute of Technology (Physics Department,1978-1982), Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (School of NaturalSciences, 1982-1986), University of Illinois (Center for ComplexSystems Research, and Departments of Physics, Mathematics and ComputerScience, 1986-1988). I built up successively larger research groups atthese institutions, and both the scientific and other members of thesegroups made a variety of contributions to my work.
Inthe early to mid-1980s I was a consultant to a number of organizations.The primary ones at which I pursued projects that helped me informulating issues for this book were Bell Laboratories, Los AlamosNational Laboratory and Thinking Machines Corporation. In the periodbefore 1986 a few of my projects received incidental support fromvarious parts of the U.S. government, and I made use of earlyworkstation computers given to me by Sun Microsystems. The MacArthurFellowship that I received in May 1981 was an important element ofpersonal support, and in fact it was a few months after this award thatI made the decision to focus my work towards what would eventually become the new kind of science in this book.
我自从1981年开始严肃地发展我的观点并最终成就了这本书,同时在1988年以前我一直是一下不同学术机构的一员:加州理工(物理系,1978-1982), 普林斯顿高等研究所 (自然科学学院, 1982-1986), 伊利诺伊大学 (复杂系统研究中心, 数理及计算机科学系, 1986-1988). 在这些学校我陆续建立起更大的研究小组,它们中既有科学方面的,也有在其他方面为我的工作作出贡献的。在上世纪八十年代我是一些组织团体的顾问。其中主要为我形成书中观点提供帮助的包括:贝尔实验室,洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室以及思维机器公司。在1986年以前我的一些项目得到了一些间接的帮助,它们来自美国政府的不同机构,同时我早期使用的工作站计算机是由Sun Microsystem赠与我的。 我于1981年5月接受的来自麦克阿瑟基金会的奖励是一笔重要的个人捐助,而事实上正是在得到这个奖励之后的几个月,我才决定专注于最后成为书中所述新科学的这样一个工作。

[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-15 13:55 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-15 14:28:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原


Page xiv      http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-xiv-text

In the early years of the project--and before I became independent of academia--therewere a number of individuals who showed particular foresight inarranging for organizational support or publication of my work,including: George Bell, Bill Brinkman, Roger Dashen, Marvin Denicoff,Herman Feshbach, John Gage, Murray Gell-Mann, Paul Halmos, SherylHandler, Danny Hillis, Bob Kraichnan, Oscar Lanford, Joel Lebowitz,Elliott Lieb, John Maddox, K. K. Phua, David Pines, Gian-Carlo Rota,Mike Schlesinger, Ralph Simmons, Larry Smarr, Harry Woolf.

在这个项目的早些年——那时我还没有离开学术领域——已经有了一批极具前瞻性的人们在整理我的作品,并为其出版提供支持,这些人包括:George Bell, Bill Brinkman, Roger Dashen, Marvin Denicoff,Herman Feshbach, John Gage, Murray Gell-Mann, Paul Halmos, SherylHandler, Danny Hillis, Bob Kraichnan, Oscar Lanford, Joel Lebowitz,Elliott Lieb, John Maddox, K. K. Phua, David Pines, Gian-Carlo Rota,Mike Schlesinger, Ralph Simmons, Larry Smarr, Harry Woolf.

Manyinfluences early in my life are no doubt reflected in one way oranother in this book. That my mother was an Oxford philosophy doncaused me in my youth to be exposed to a certain amount of academicphilosophy. My classical English education--in elementary school (Dragon School) and high school (Eton)--emphasizedsuch pursuits as writing, and exposed me to a certain range ofsubjects, a remarkable fraction of which have ended up being useful,especially in the historical research for this book. My brief times incollege (Oxford) and graduate school (Caltech) enhanced my enthusiasmand confidence in science, and allowed me rapidly to begin life as aprofessional scientist. In the years that I was a member of thetheoretical physics community a great many people providedencouragement, and contributed to my understanding of science and howit should be done. Among those friends, colleagues, teachers and othersfrom before 1981 from whom I learned things relevant for the methods,content or writing of this book were:Ed Berger, Euan Cameron, ChrisCole, Armand D'Angour, Richard Feynman, Rick Field, Geoffrey Fox,Philip Gladstone, Nathan Isgur, Nicholas Kermack, Rocky Kolb, ChrisLlewellyn Smith, David Longrigg, Rob Pike, David Politzer, DickRoberts, Norman Routledge, George Rutter, Ken Spencer, ChristopherStuart-Clark, Tony Terrano, Tini Veltman, Peregrine Williams, HugoWolfram, Sybil Wolfram, Larry Yaffe, George Zweig.
在我年少时期受到的感染无疑也以某种形式在这本书里体现出来。我母亲是牛津的一位哲学老师,这使得我在年少时期就受到了一定程度学院派哲学的感染。我受到的正统英语教学——小学(Dragon School——牛津附小,译者注)和中学(伊顿公学)——致力于写作,以及使我面对着较宽范围的主题,它们范围相当地分散,但最终可以证明还是很有用的,尤其体现在这本书中的历史调查方面。我在大学(牛津)和研究生院(加州理工)短暂的时光培养了我的热情和我在科学方面的自信,并使得我能迅速开始专业科学工作者的生涯。那段时间我在理论物理学界受到了很多人的支持和鼓励,并且为我理解科学以及起处理方法提供了巨大帮助。在1981年以前,我从这些朋友、同事和老师那里学到了很多关于书中所述方法、内容以及写作方式,这些人包括:Ed Berger, Euan Cameron, ChrisCole, Armand D'Angour, Richard Feynman, Rick Field, Geoffrey Fox,Philip Gladstone, Nathan Isgur, Nicholas Kermack, Rocky Kolb, ChrisLlewellyn Smith, David Longrigg, Rob Pike, David Politzer, DickRoberts, Norman Routledge, George Rutter, Ken Spencer, ChristopherStuart-Clark, Tony Terrano, Tini Veltman, Peregrine Williams, HugoWolfram, Sybil Wolfram, Larry Yaffe, George Zweig.

Tocomplete a project of the magnitude of this book requires extremepersonal focus. And to maintain this, I have for most of the pastdecade been an almost complete recluse, attending almost no outsideevents, and interacting mainly just with family, friends, assistantsand senior staff at my company. During this period it has neverthelessprovided important encouragement to see that even without my personalpresence, my earlier work in science--and even more so my work on Mathematica--hashad an increasingly great impact on the world. It has also been acontinuing source of further encouragement to see just how broadly anddeeply the worldwide Mathematica community has been able to make use of the fundamental ideas that I have embodied in Mathematica.

Towrite this book has taken me more than ten years of almost continuouswork, more than a hundred million keystrokes, and more than a hundredmouse miles. I have accumulated tens of gigabytes and hundreds ofthousands of pages of Mathematica notebooks. I have executed nearly a million lines of Mathematica input, and altogether more than a million billion computer operations. But now that the task is finally done--and I have written down at least the main elements of my discoveries so far--I look forward to everything that is now possible.


[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-15 21:12 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-15 20:02:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
hi all,

Is that possible to input that translation in a Mathematica Notebook.

I would like to support for review and do something.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-15 21:10:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-16 09:26:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
Page 1        http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-1-text

Chapter 1    The Foundations for a new kind of science
第一章        新科学之基础

Section 1    An Outline of Basic Ideas
第一节        基本原理概述

Three centuries ago science was transformed by the dramatic new idea that rules based on mathematical equations could be used to describe the natural world. My purpose in this book is to initiate another such transformation, and to introduce a new kind of science that is based on the much more general types of rules that can be embodied in simple computer programs.

It has taken me the better part of twenty years to build the intellectual structure that is needed, but I have been amazed by its results. For what I have found is that with the new kind of science I have developed it suddenly becomes possible to make progress on a remarkable range of fundamental issues that have never successfully been addressed by any of the existing sciences before.


If theoretical science is to be possible at all, then at some level the systems it studies must follow definite rules. Yet in the past throughout the exact sciences it has usually been assumed that these rules must be ones based on traditional mathematics. But the crucial realization that led me to develop the new kind of science in this book is that there is in fact no reason to think that systems like those we see in nature should follow only such traditional mathematical rules.

Earlier in history it might have been difficult to imagine what more general types of rules could be like. But today we are surrounded by computers whose programs in effect implement a huge variety of rules. The programs we use in practice are mostly based on extremely complicated rules specifically designed to perform particular tasks. But a program can in principle follow essentially any definite set of rules. And at the core of the new kind of science that I describe in this book are discoveries I have made about programs with some of the very simplest rules that are possible.


[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-16 09:29 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-16 13:45:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
One might have thought--as at first I certainly did--thatif the rules for a program were simple then this would mean that itsbehavior must also be correspondingly simple. For our everydayexperience in building things tends to give us the intuition thatcreating complexity is somehow difficult, and requires rules or plansthat are themselves complex. But the pivotal discovery that I made someeighteen years ago is that in the world of programs such intuition isnot even close to correct.
I did what is in a senseone of the most elementary imaginable computer experiments: I took asequence of simple programs and then systematically ran them to see howthey behaved. And what I found--to my great surprise--wasthat despite the simplicity of their rules, the behavior of theprograms was often far from simple. Indeed, even some of the verysimplest programs that I looked at had behavior that was as complex asanything I had ever seen.

It took me more than adecade to come to terms with this result, and to realize just howfundamental and far-reaching its consequences are. In retrospect thereis no reason the result could not have been found centuries ago, butincreasingly I have come to view it as one of the more important singlediscoveries in the whole history of theoretical science. For inaddition to opening up vast new domains of exploration, it implies aradical rethinking of how processes in nature and elsewhere work.


Perhapsimmediately most dramatic is that it yields a resolution to what haslong been considered the single greatest mystery of the natural world:what secret it is that allows nature seemingly so effortlessly toproduce so much that appears to us so complex.


Itcould have been, after all, that in the natural world we would mostlysee forms like squares and circles that we consider simple. But in factone of the most striking features of the natural world is that across a vast range of physical, biological and other systems we arecontinually confronted with what seems to be immense complexity. Andindeed throughout most of history it has been taken almost for grantedthat such complexity --being so vastly greater than in the works of humans--could only be the work of a supernatural being.
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发表于 2008-8-16 17:29:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏无锡
Review on simwe thread is hard for eyes.
Good thing with notebook, you will find later, that we can practise with Mathematica.
I suppose you have download some addtional code and notebook made by Wolfram ?
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发表于 2008-8-16 17:34:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏无锡
check below Zip but ANKOS programme.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-16 18:56:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原

回复 37# FreddyMusic 的帖子



[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-16 18:57 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-16 18:57:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐

[ 本帖最后由 bainhome 于 2008-8-16 19:01 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-8-16 20:57:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京
原帖由 FreddyMusic 于 2008-8-15 20:02 发表
hi all,

Is that possible to input that translation in a Mathematica Notebook.

I would like to support for review and do something.



其实mathematica 的排版效果不是很差,需要的是用者的细心编辑。这个模板是我自定义的,当然用系统自带的Book也可以。


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