楼主: marveloustau

[书籍资料] Translation of the NKS [PAUSED]

 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-19 13:26:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
Page 6 http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-6-text

One can always in principle find out how a particularsystem will behave just by running an experiment and watching whathappens. But the great historical successes of theoretical science havetypically revolved around finding mathematical formulas that insteaddirectly allow one to predict the outcome. Yet in effect this relies onbeing able to shortcut the computational work that the system itselfperforms.

And the Principle of ComputationalEquivalence now implies that this will normally be possible only forrather special systems with simple behavior. For other systems willtend to perform computations that are just as sophisticated as those wecan do, even with all our mathematics and computers. And this meansthat such systems are computationally irreducible--so thatin effect the only way to find their behavior is to trace each of theirsteps, spending about as much computational effort as the systemsthemselves.

So this implies that there is in a sensea fundamental limitation to theoretical science. But it also shows thatthere is something irreducible that can be achieved by the passage oftime. And it leads to an explanation of how we as humans--even though we may follow definite underlying rules--can still in a meaningful way show free will.
Onefeature of many of the most important advances in science throughouthistory is that they show new ways in which we as humans are notspecial. And at some level the Principle of Computational Equivalencedoes this as well. For it implies that when it comes to computation--or intelligence--we are in the end no more sophisticated than all sorts of simple programs, and all sorts of systems in nature.

Butfrom the Principle of Computational Equivalence there also emerges anew kind of unity: for across a vast range of systems, from simple programs to brains to our whole universe, the principle impliesthat there is a basic equivalence that makes the same fundamentalphenomena occur, and allows the same basic scientific ideas and methodsto be used. And it is this that is ultimately responsible for the greatpower of the new kind of science that I describe in this book.

[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-20 13:13 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-19 14:33:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐
原帖由 smarten 于 2008-8-19 10:47 发表
Word 可能越来越强了,不过一般说来如果在Word里面插了一些图表,当文件大小有10Mb的时候,比较容易死 (某页出现错误)。 另外大概就是打数学公式不太强。 Word是WYSIWYG, (what you get is what you see, you bett ...

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发表于 2008-8-19 15:45:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀
即便是没有插多少图表,如果页数很多,有几百页的,ms word也很卡
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-19 16:07:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
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发表于 2008-8-19 17:17:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自 新疆乌鲁木齐
http://www.math.zju.edu.cn/ligan ... c.htm#The%20TeXbook
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发表于 2008-8-19 18:16:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京海淀
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-19 18:55:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-20 13:32:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
Page 7  http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-7-text

Relations to Other Areas

It is usually assumed that mathematics concerns itself with the studyof arbitrarily general abstract systems. But this book shows that thereare actually a vast range of abstract systems based on simple programsthat traditional mathematics has never considered. And because thesesystems are in many ways simpler in construction than most traditionalsystems in mathematics it is possible with appropriate methods ineffect to go further in investigating them.

Someof what one finds are then just unprecedentedly clear examples ofphenomena already known in modern mathematics. But one also finds somedramatic new phenomena. Most immediately obvious is a very high levelof complexity in the behavior of many systems whose underlying rulesare much simpler than those of most systems in standard mathematicstextbooks.

And one of the consequences of thiscomplexity is that it leads to fundamental limitations on the idea ofproof that has been central to traditional mathematics. Already in the1930s Gödel's Theorem gave some indications of such limitations. But inthe past they have always seemed irrelevant to most of mathematics asit is actually practiced.


Yet what the discoveriesin this book show is that this is largely just a reflection of howsmall the scope is of what is now considered mathematics. And indeedthe core of this book can be viewed as introducing a majorgeneralization of mathematics--with new ideas and methods, and vast new areas to be explored.


Theframework I develop in this book also shows that by viewing the processof doing mathematics in fundamentally computational terms it becomespossible to address important issues about the foundations even ofexisting mathematics.

[ 本帖最后由 marveloustau 于 2008-8-20 20:53 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 14:31:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原
Page 8 http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-8-text

Physics. The traditional mathematical approach to science has historically had its great success in physics--andby now it has become almost universally assumed that any seriousphysical theory must be based on mathematical equations. Yet with thisapproach there are still many common physical phenomena about whichphysics has had remarkably little to say. But with the approach ofthinking in terms of simple programs that I develop in this book itfinally seems possible to make some dramatic progress. And indeed inthe course of the book we will see that some extremely simple programsseem able to capture the essential mechanisms for a great many physicalphenomena that have previously seemed completely mysterious.

Existing methods in theoretical physics tend to revolve around ideas of continuous numbers and calculus--orsometimes probability. Yet most of the systems in this book involvejust simple discrete elements with definite rules. And in many ways itis the greater simplicity of this underlying structure that ultimatelymakes it possible to identify so many fundamentally new phenomena.

Ordinarymodels for physical systems are idealizations that capture somefeatures and ignore others. And in the past what was most common was tocapture certain simple numerical relationships--that couldfor example be represented by smooth curves. But with the new kinds ofmodels based on simple programs that I explore in this book it becomespossible to capture all sorts of much more complex features that canonly really be seen in explicit images of behavior.

Inthe future of physics the greatest triumph would undoubtedly be to finda truly fundamental theory for our whole universe. Yet despiteoccasional optimism, traditional approaches do not make this seem closeat hand. But with the methods and intuition that I develop in this bookthere is I believe finally a serious possibility that such a theory canactually be found.

[实在抱歉,SW同学每段话里都强调一遍"the new kind of science that I develop in this book",翻得我实在心烦]

Biology.Vast amounts are now known about the details of biological organisms,but very little in the way of general theory has ever emerged.Classical areas of biology tend to treat evolution by natural selectionas a foundation--leading to the notion that generalobservations about living systems should normally be analyzed on thebasis of evolutionary history rather than abstract theories. And partof the reason for this is that traditional mathematical models havenever seemed to come even close to capturing the kind of complexity wesee in biology. But the discoveries in this book show that simpleprograms can produce a high level of complexity. And in fact it turnsout that such programs can reproduce many features of biologicalorganisms--and for example seem to capture some of theessential mechanisms through which genetic programs manage to generatethe actual biological forms we see. So this means that it becomespossible to make a wide range of new models for biological systems--andpotentially to see how to emulate the essence of their operation, sayfor medical purposes. And insofar as there are general principles forsimple programs, these principles should also apply to biologicalorganisms--making it possible to imagine constructing new kinds of general abstract theories in biology.


到现在为止翻了8页, 当然这一页包含了第9页的一半,因为最后那段话太长。平均一页大概300词,那么现在也有差不多3 000词了。我的想法是,到现在为止说的全都是废话。几乎每段话都在阐释这样一个观点:传统科学在某些方面不行,而我的新科学("我在这本书中所发展的以简单程序为基础的新科学")在这些方面很行。他不告诉局限出在哪里,也不告诉为什么他的新科学就行。无论他肚子里是否有真货,我是指新科学真就这么神,这种描述的方法非常缺乏说服力,让人很容易厌烦,并且觉得这人忒自大了。我的阅读和翻译的进度一致,而到现在为止,我还没有关于新科学的任何收获。

我大二的时候帮老师做活的时候看过很多文档,然后又因为GRE以及美国数模竞赛的缘故参考了很多关于英文写作的书。其中最著名的一本是the Elements of Style作者是E.B.White(《夏洛的网》和《精灵鼠小弟》的作者),书中提倡简明清晰的写作风格,尤其强调了段落结构和例证的必要性。这应该是每个科研工作者必读的书目,SW同学也是在加州理工念过书的,但是看起来他不知道怎么用有说服力和吸引力的表达方式阐述自己的观点。顺便一提,此书极力推荐大家阅读,美国人写得科技论文都是参考着这本书写的,看懂了以后看他们写的论文会很轻松,同时我们自己写的论文也会很专业。我指的是中英文均适用。



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发表于 2008-8-21 17:30:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏无锡
Is that possible to restart from charpter 2, usually there is some talking in a written book.
Therefore I said notebook is essential and tell the fact.
Different style for different people, it's just a new kind of style.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 18:54:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山西太原

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